Baby Girl "L" 1 Week Old

Oh, how that time flies...that time that includes dreamy smiles...

and sleepy shivers that only mom can calm...

It passes so quickly.  Maybe it's the lack of sleep or blur of spit up and diaper changes but it's so blessed, isn't it?

So pure and sweet.  

So precious and cherished!  I am not a photographer specializing in newborn or boutique photography.  But I do specialize in moments.  Those moments where baby smooches their lips, toddler crinkles their nose, big sister points her finger or little brother rolls his eyes.  I LOVE these moments!  :)  Thanks for sharing them with me, clients.  This will be my third full year in business and I look forward to many more of these moments!  I'm so excited about them, in fact, I'm offering a free session on my Facebook page so hop on over for more information!

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