Down by the River - Bismarck Family Photographer

Last week was very busy!  It was nonstop for me and I usually like it that way, but to be honest, toward the end of the week I was starting to get a little tired.  I felt a wave of energy come over me when I met this lil guy though...

He was so sweet and happy!  I'll admit, at first I don't think he liked me or at least my camera...yea that sounds better...he didn't like my camera.  But it wasn't long, before he let me in, er, the camera in on his joy.  He was throwing rocks into the river with reckless abandon.  And finally threw in some sweet smiles.

How can you resist this?

He was pretty excited about having a baby sister on the way, too.  When I asked him where she was, he ran up to mama and hugged that growing belly, dirty hands and all!

There was so much love in this session.  Thanks guys!  Hope to see you again soon.

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