More Sweet Boys!

Can you ever have enough pictures of sweet boys?  (You will have to check back Thursday if your answer is "No.")  Well, yesterday I photographed some more.  Mr. C (aka big brother) was all smiles!  He played with some books and made the sweetest faces for the camera...made for portraits this one:

Then, "P" (aka little brother) was a hoot!  I happen to know these boys personally and I know lil P is a pretty happy baby, but there was just too much going on to give me a smile!  I mean check out the cool ride they had.

 I got a couple smiles from "P" but I also got a few of these:

I just had to post it because I just LOVE it! 

I had a blast with you lil boys!  You just brightened my day.  :)


  1. You have a gift. They are both so cute I want to kiss their sweet cheeks!


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