How Many Pictures does a Mini get?

TRICK QUESTION!!  :)  I usually specify that my mini sessions get 8-10 images because that's an amount I feel comfortable with in a 20 minutes span...but...when you are editing a family this cute and seasoned (mom, Leslie is a local photographer), well, sometimes you get more!  I don't even know how many I ended up giving Leslie, but I just couldn't stop taking them or editing them.  :)  Just too cute...

The bottom a photographer, I LOVE taking pictures.  You are NEVER inconveniencing me if you ask me to take a certain pose/shot.  I get excited when my clients send me examples of shots they love.  And if things are going well and I get one more idea, I'm not opposed to going over our session for a bit.  Creating beautiful images is my job and I love it!  And I want you to LOVE your images. 

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