Another Visit with Baby "L"

I am such a fan of this little guy and his family.  Maybe it's the southern accent of his mama or just their pleasant personalities but I enjoy every session with them.  That's why I'm so glad he's one of my "yearlings" - those clients I get to capture throughout their first year.  

I honestly get little butterflies every time I get to see repeat customers again.  I wonder what new things the kiddos are doing (because let's be honest, there's always something new) and how the parents are doing.  I get down right anxious about it all!  These precious gifts change so much and what's most amazing is how their sweetness influences an entire family; how love grows, patience builds, and thankfulness seems to permeate.  It's a beautiful thing!

Forgive me for getting all sappy, but who looks at blogs of babies and kiddos without feeling somewhat sentimental!?

Big Boy "E" Turns THREE!

We had to do a unique shoot with this sporty fella!  And he was ready for it...running around, throwing, catching, kicking and of course...SMILING!!!  :)

Sweet baby boy...

This little guy...oh, he's too cute for words.  He was one of the smiliest 2 month olds last time we met.  And this time, he didn't disappoint.  Just see if you can look through these images without smiling!

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