Friday Flash...

Friday Flash time...that's one shot of a recently edited session.  How about this handsome preteen, going on full adult?  He is such a nice young man.  He was very patient with me!  This is not the age they like to stand posed for a camera but he did it for his mama and me!  And I know his parents love the shots he gave us. :)

Reunion Time at the Heritage Center

I LOVE when families contact me to do a reunion shoot.  I am touched how important that time is together that they want to get some great shots to remember it!  This family was no exception and we had a blast...even if it was overly bright in the Heritage Center and FREEZING cold outside (that's relative I suppose, because recent temps have been much worse).  :)

Last Fall Session...

Ta da...this is it!  The grande finale of my fall sessions this year.  It was a nice day of 50s amidst several days of 30s and 20s so I am thankful it worked out.  We had such a nice time.  This family really made me laugh!

Sometimes you just have to let the kids go!  That's what natural and candid sessions are all about.  If you know me or my style, I'm not a fan of fancy, artsy and boutique-y type shots.  I like the realness of family dynamics.  That's not to say there isn't a time or place for the fun fancy stuff, but for me and my family sessions...well, this is it!  Big smiles, silly poses, and relaxed people.  I LOVED this session!

 Thanks for the fun "L" family.  You are so special and I hope I get to see you soon!

More Fall Sessions...

I can't say enough how wonderful this fall was!  I'm finding myself very thankful for thankful I am still able to forgive the recent single digits.  Of course, I have been stuck in the house with sick kids so I probably don't even understand how annoying it is yet.  I hope it's not a long winter!  But, is one of the last fall sessions I was able to sneak in before the "snow flew."

Adorable, right?  I loved how this setting was perfect for their attire, hair color, etc.  Thanks guys! 

All Fun and Games until...

This session...well it was all fun and games until the end.  Just as we finished, I was bit by something under my eye.  I had a little mark when I got home but I didn't realize what would come of it.  Apparently I am allergic to SOMETHING (still don't know what)!  The next morning I woke up with my eye completely swollen shut.  It lasted FOUR days (and that's with meds).  I couldn't believe it.  Note to self:  Bug spray even during the end of fall!

But...thankfully, it all happened after this fun:

Great family!  

Another Milestone...

I have been blessed to have photographed this cutie since she was born!  And now...she's hit another milestone.  NINE MONTHS!!  She is already taking steps.  I can't believe it!  But, I am so thankful to see it and get to know these littles I photograph as they change.  This little girl has a sweet smiley spirit and is part of such a loving family!  Can't wait to see her for the ONE YEAR session!

The Last of Fall Sessions...

The forecast is not looking good...unless you like wind, snow, and windchill warnings.  It appears fall is over!  It was a great season this year.  I was able to have lots of fall sessions because it seemed to stick around longer than usual.  Thank you Lord!  I love fall sessions.

Could these two be any cuter?  They were so sweet and smiley.  I have been very blessed this season with easy kiddos.  I hope I can continue to photograph them and watch them grow!

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