Snow Snow Go Away - Bismarck Photography

Is it just me or is this winter lasting way too long? 

 Last year this time, my little boy was playing in the mud:


Oh, how I long to see those muddy hands and cakey boots again! 


North Dakota Boy at the Beach - Bismarck Photography

During our recent trip to Florida (I'm sure you are all annoyed at how much I am talking about it, but forgive my reminiscing as it's 6 degrees out right now), we were able to hit the beach a few times.  The first time was a little chilly - 60 degrees with 15mph winds.  But that faint ocean mist that sprays you in the face is still tempting even at that temperature!  

So much so that my North Dakota born son couldn't resist:

The water got the best of him:

And he loved every minute!

Sweet Lil "B" - Bismarck Children Photography

I met this little cutie last weekend:

 She had some of the most amazing eye lashes I have seen:

Did you think I was exaggerating?  :)  She was so sweet and happy.  For the entire shoot, she seemed so comfortable.  She wasn't distracted by the camera at all!  Love this army crawl of hers:

 She was an absolute joy to meet and capture!  Happy Birthday lil girl "B"!

My lil Surfer Sis - Bismarck Photographer

One chilly afternoon, we went out to the beach and took some pictures of my senior sis with her surf board.  When I say "some," I literally mean some!  It was so cold, my sister was done after about 12 shots.  That's okay, we got some fun ones and a couple beautiful ones with the water:

She doesn't look like she's shivering, does she?  Quick shutter speeds are such a blessing.  :)

Bismarck Senior Photographer

My little sister is graduating!  It's a bit surreal.  I can remember her childhood vividly...all of it: diaper changes, tantrums, and fits of giggles.  Life really does go by so fast! 

On our recent vacation to Florida, I had the privilege of taking her senior pictures.  

It was such a fun time.  We were at a resort area and there were so many different settings.   I love this corrugated metal wall.

She has become so poised and mature.  I love her so much and was so thankful I could be a part of some special memories for her.  Stayed tuned...I have some of her "surfer girl" pics to post later this week!

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