Baby, it's Cold Outside...

I had a session scheduled this last week and we just knew outside was not going to work.  The makeshift studio in my house worked really well!  Check out this cutie:

 He kept giving me pucker lips!  LOVE IT!

Can you guess how old the little guy is...

Oh yes!  Big boy turned one and he didn't seem it to me.  My little girl turns one this weekend actually (sad face) and he just left her in the dust!  He is running around and always keeping his mama on her toes.  :)

A Montana Session

I agreed to fit in ONE session on my vacation.  And truth be told, it was only because I was dying to capture my newest niece, beautiful Ella.  

Such pinch-able cheeks!  Ah, I love it.  We fit in some of my nephew too:

And some of the whole clan. (Without a doubt, one of my favorite families!) ~

Aw, I miss them already!
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